February Printable Calendar Here!
Pink Valentine's Day Slime
Directions: Here are the directions for how to make it! I found the recipe here, and made mine pink! Pink dye works great, or a little bit of red will look kind of pink as well.
Flubber with Borax
3/4 cup cold water
1 cup white craft glue
liquid food coloring
1/2 cup hot water
1 teaspoon borax (found in the laundry aisle)
In bowl 1, mix together the cold water, glue, and food coloring. Set aside.
In bowl 2, mix together the hot water and borax, until the borax is completely dissolved.
Slowly add the glue mixture to the borax mixture. Mix well and it will resemble watery scrambled eggs. Let it sit and it will meld into a smooth slime.
Confession: We did this, and it was a Pinterest fail. I definitely measured the glue wrong. My results turned out nothing like what the girl had pictured. But my kids still liked it, so oh well! They played with it for a long time, (even my kiddo who doesn't like to get messy!)
Painting With Marbles
Directions: Use a shallow box/box lid for this activity. Place a piece of paper inside and squirt a few blobs of colorful paint on the paper. Then place some marbles in the box and allow the toddler to roll the marbles back and forth by rocking the box left and right. This is really fun! Just make sure that you reinforce that they don't shake the box, but rock it back and forth! My kids kind of slid it back and forth on the table like a panhandler! They will love watching the marbles roll as they make paint markings all over the paper! :) I used white paint on one side of the paper, and red on the other. By the end of the activity, the colors had blended into pink! Another fun color mixing activity!
Sorting Pennies and Quarters
Directions: Hopefully by now, our kids are able to differentiate between these two coins! This is just a good review on sorting, and my kids are having tons of fun gluing as well! Teach your kids "A little glue will do!" or "A little dot will do!" Their kindergarten teacher will thank you immensely if your child doesn't use 1 gallon of glue per piece. There are 7 of each coin, so make sure to count the coins together to reinforce the number of the month!
Pink Play Dough Games
Directions: This is just a simple encouragement to play with some play dough together with some heart shaped cookie cutters. If you don't have those, feel free to help cut out some heart shapes with a butter knife for the kiddos in the play dough. Play dough is a staple around here, but it's fun to add a seasonal twist. My girls love pretending like they are making Valentines cookies with their play dough! See if they can put hearts in size order, or make heart monsters with googly eyes and silly arms and legs! Have fun. Be sure to discuss the color of the month, pink.
PQR Letter Sort
Directions: print file. Cut apart the letters on page 2. Invite the child to sort the letters from page 2 onto the first page as a sorting mat. My girls are learning to love using glue! Younger toddlers can simply sort without gluing. Older preschoolers can trace the letters as well!