Kids being antsy when you're trying to cook dinner?
When you feel like you're about to go crazy, open up your pantry and find something for them to scoop, dump, or pick up!
It's the best! Beans, rice, cereal, noodles, popcorn kernels, and even colored water keep my kids entertained for a extended periods of time while I'm getting meals ready. Here are some of my favorite tools for toddlers to use to develop fine motor skills! I keep these all in my kitchen for some quick entertainment.
These are so fun! The dome is about as big as a golf ball and has holes in it. My girls love to grab things with these. They are especially fun (and humane...air holes!) for checking out cool bugs. They have also used these to pick up items in sandboxes since the sand runs through. We recently used them to grab floating cranberries out of water. My children still haven't mastered the concept of using them with one hand, so they use both hands to operate these scissor-like grabbers.
When my girls first got these, they ran around the house sticking them to everything. It's so fun for them to discover what is magnetic. You can place a bunch of small items in a bowl (beans, rice, cereal, etc) along with some paper clips or other metallic items for them to discover.
These are THE BEST toddler scissors! I got them for my girls when the first turned 2. They get better and better at using them over time. They aren't very sharp, the tip is round, and they spring right back open. My girls love to cut paper all around the perimeter so that it looks like fringe! It's also really fun for them to cut straws in the kitchen! (And later we lace them on a string to make necklaces!) With any scissors I recommend constant adult supervision.
These aren't really a fine motor tool, but I had to list them! I bought this set for my girls and they are one of my favorite purchases. When I'm cooking dinner I always let my girls do watercolors. I think this cup is essential for watercolors! The base is big and wide and doesn't tip easily. I also let my girls use these cups filled with vinegar. I give them a bowl of baking soda and allow them to have fun putting the vinegar on and let it fizz!
("Painting" with water outside!)
These are more challenging than a traditional tong/tweezer. They will really help promote pencil grip and strengthen hand muscles if you guide the toddler correctly. These are challenging to use for small items, but are great for larger items like cotton balls, large marshmallows, or pom poms. We recently used these tweezers to pick up acorns and sort them into egg cartons.
These make any scooping or fine motor activity more fun! You can find mini kitchen tongs in lots of kitchen stores such as Bed, Beth, and Beyond. It's easier and safer than tweezers, and the silicone tips help grip! My girls love to "cook" with these with their pretend food. I let them sort items (buttons, pom poms, etc) in muffin tins as I cook. Instant entertainment!
g) Eye Droppers/Turkey Basters
I got this medicine dropper for free at my pharmacy! I keep these in the bathtub and outside in our sand/water table. It helps strengthen hand muscles and is just plain fun! My girls play with colored water all the time in the kitchen. They use these droppers to transfer water back and forth between vessels. I let them drop vinegar onto baking soda as well. It's also fun to add colored water onto coffee filters with these! The sky is the limit!
GIVEAWAY TIME for my Facebook buddies!!!
I will be giving away a set of these fine motor tools!
Drawing will be held January 5th, 2015: the start of the new year of lesson plans!
To enter:
1. Like "Twinsane in the Membrane" on Facebook and "share" this giveaway post.
2. Comment on this Facebook post to ensure that I know you're entered to win!