Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The One With The Cheerios

A Tribute to "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"

If you give a twin a Cheerio, their sister will also want a Cheerio.
So you will load them up into their high chairs for breakfast.

If you give them just Cheerios, they will probably scream on the top of their lungs for more food.
So you will frantically make some scrambled eggs, pacing back and forth from the stove to the high chairs, scattering Cheerio refills on their trays like birdseed.

If you set the scrambled eggs on a plate on the table, they will probably scream and point because they want the magma-hot eggs RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW.
So you will frantically blow on the eggs so that they can eat sooner.

If you blow on scrambled eggs, the twins will think its hilarious, and in turn, try to blow on their already-cooled eggs as well.
So then you will all have a giggle fit at the table.

If your twins are having a giggle fit at the table while blowing on scrambled eggs, they will probably blow so hard that a chunk of scrambled egg will shoot straight into your eye.
So you will frantically run to the bathroom to dig out the egg chunk.

If you leave your twins at the table for 5 seconds to remove egg chunks from your eye, 
they will probably think you have abandoned them forever. 
So you will hastily remove the egg chunk and run back to console your babies. 

If your babies have finished their egg-fest, they will want to get out of their high chairs. 
So you will get them out, one at a time, and put them down in front of the bookshelf.

If you put a twin in front of a bookshelf, they will want you to read them a book.
So you will put them in your lap and start to read a Dr. Seuss book. 

If you read one twin a book, the other sister will want you to magically and simultaneously read them a different book as their sister.
So they will both be crying and fighting over who sits in your lap, 
while flailing their arms and legs and  books.

If they are flailing their arms and legs and books, they will probably jab you in your SAME EGG INJURED EYE with the corner of a board book.
So you will get both flailing babies off your your lap to check if your eye is gushing blood yet. 

If you go check on your eye for the second time, 
your twins will definitely think they are orphans by now.
So you will come back and snuggle them, and somehow successfully read a book without crying or injury. You will play, giggle, sing songs, and then put them down for a morning nap.

If you put them down for a morning nap, you will get a few minutes to blog, sit in silence without injury, take a shower, and do some chores.
So that in 1.5 hours, your babies will wake up, and want some more Cheerios. 


  1. You are too funny and everything you said is SO true. :-)

  2. LOVE. This is the highlight of my day.

  3. This was so funny! Love every moment Liz...I would have loved for some egg in the eye today! You get double trouble but double love!
