Monday, August 6, 2012

The One With My Hands Full

My babies are 11 months old, and therefore, are into everything. You know when those crazy ladies at the grocery store said, "You've got your hands full!" when the girls were like, 6 months old? False. At the time, they were nicely strapped into their stroller. Wonderfully packaged and contained in 2 little seats. Nice and still. I will wholeheartedly agree that now I have my hands full.

 I guess one redeeming aspect of being a twin mom is that you feel like you are constantly saving 2 lives all day long. So I guess I feel like a superhero. (A superhero in panic mode.)

Here are things that my babies do/have done/attempt to do in which I have to sprint across the house to save them hourly.

-Clobber each other all the time.
-Take off their own diapers.
-Take off each others' diapers.
-Open up the diaper pail and have a dirty diaper party.
-Pull all the toilet paper off the roll.
-Poke each other in the eye.
-Pull each other's hair.
-Take off the plug covers in the outlets.  (I thought they were babyproof?)

They crawl and pull up and are trying to walk, and therefore....
-Open all the cabinets in the kitchen.
-Open all the drawers in the kitchen.
-Play in the toilet.
-Climb in the dishwasher.
-Climb on everything.
-Stand up in the bathtub.
-Knock each other down as they are pulling up onto furniture.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a bad sitcom or some cheesey Three Stooges episode. If one baby is where they shouldn't be, I'll pick them up and bring them into the living room. By then, 2nd baby has crawled into the room where original baby was. This cycle can last up to 5 minutes and always ends with 2 crying babies.

I guess having twins is very similar to having 2 singleton siblings, with one major exception:
Neither child understands what you are saying, nor the concept of danger.
For example, if I had a 2 year old along with one 11 month old baby, I could say, "No, stop that, you are about to murder your sister with that blunt object." Not with twins. They gleefully beat each other over the head with maracas; crying and laughing the along the way.

Honestly, I really do LOVE having twins though! Because of their constant clobbering and antics, they are very resilient babies! Falling over or bumping their heads doesn't really phase them. They are less sensitive when the other baby steals their toy. Hopefully that social skill will translate into playing with other children.  And my favorite part? They are so independent from me! I'm blogging right now on the couch as they sit, playing with some shape sorting toys together. They are giggling and babbling to each other. Oh wait, Emily just ripped Charlotte's bow off.  Eh, Charlotte was unphased. I will probably have to do a few mild, life-saving interventions here and there, but overall, they can play by themselves! It's wonderful! I have the greatest life.

Reading books happily together.

Yes, my hands are full, but so is my heart! 


  1. 2 words: baby gates! They make saving lives a little more manageable ;)

  2. I SO hear you! My girls are 16 months now, and it is insane. They also clobber each other and get angry with each other all the time. And they always want the toy the other one is holding, regardless of the fact that there are a million toys laying around them. I've been afraid that they're going to grow up not really liking each other, so it's nice to see your post and know that this is normal!

    I also have a 5 year old and that makes it really interesting. He adds a whole other level of danger with them. LIke, he'll tell me what they're doing, but despite being right next to them, and also knowing better, he won't attempt to stop them or help. lol
